Dani Gal, Historical Records Archive 2005-

Gal plays on the notion of archiving and historical record by presenting vinyl records containing radio interviews/speeches given by major figures of the 20th century political landscape.
For an interview with the artist visit http://www.villaromana.org/front_content.php?idart=200
‘I started collecting these records after coming across an Israeli record that documents the Six-Day War. I started to explore the phenomenon of vinyl records that portray historical events and was surprised at how many of them there were. This led me to think about these recordings as pure sound material… I see the presentation of Historical Record Archive as a potential sound work. The audience cannot listen to the records but can try to imagine the sounds, and this is where, maybe, collective memory exists.’ — Dani Gal

image courtesy of http://musictravelculture.wordpress.com/2011/11/15/12th-istanbul-biennial-for-contemporary-art-2011-dani-gal%E2%80%99s-historical-records-archive/ and quote courtesy of: http://inventaire.tumblr.com/post/10513416235/untitled-12th-istanbul-biennial-highlight-no-3

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